Deborah Outlines Other Types of Hair Loss
"Postpartum alopecia is another type of hair loss that I see quite a bit of. Up to 40pc of women will experience it after having a baby. The hair growth is interupted and the diminishing or thinning of hair is due to hormonal changes."
The most common types of hair loss that Deborah sees are Androgenetic Alopecia and Alopecia Areata. It is very distressing when it happens and often Deborah sees clients coming in with clumps of hair in a bag. "It can be useful for me to look at the hair and see if it is just breakage due to products and hair treatments of if the hair is actually coming out at the root.
"The thing to remember is that for most people it is treatable," she says. "It will often need three to six months' treatment. We try to take an holistic approach and address lifestyle and nutritional issues. I can use light therapy, electrical treatments and some anti-androgen topical products- it all depends on the type of hair loss involved," explains Deborah.
"If you are suffering from hair loss I would recommend getting a diagnosis." Lack of sleep is a big factor "People are only getting three to four hour sleep a night with stress and worry. I would recommend Valerian and Flax to help here. Nutrition is also important for boosting the immune system. Iron is good for the hair and meat is a good source of iron. I would recommend eating liver once a week as it is high in vitamins A and B."
Deborah can be contacted by telephoning Galway Trichology Clinic on 091 565 148.