[Galway First, 2008.]
Deborah Gets to the Root of Your Hair Problems
It is said that hair is a woman's crowning glory but the number of men concerned about hair loss and thinning would indicate that the same thing could be said about men. And yet, eighty per cent of alopecia conditions (where the hair falls out) could be self-inflicted - in other words it could be caused by poor diet, drugs, stress, hair styling techniques, too much sun etc.
Galway Skin and Trichology Clinic is the first and only hair and scalp specialist clinic in Galway, or indeed the West of Ireland.
Deborah Whelan M.I.T., who is a registered hair and scalp specialist (Trichologist) with a very successful Trichological Clinic in Manchester, England opened this clinic in 2005.
Deborah has appeared on RTÉ and TV3 to discuss the growing problem of female hair loss. A recent study has claimed up to one in three Irish women are losing their hair.
Trichology is the science and study of hair and clinical Trichology is the diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of the hair and scalp, anything from dandruff to hair loss, from ringworm to psoriasis.
Hair is a barometer of health and can be a reflection of a persons' lifestyle, indicating the stresses, tensions and variations in the body's system. Yet many people would not dream of consulting their doctor about a hair or scalp problem, believing it to be too petty. However, Deborah has had referrals from GPs and is happy to spend time on these problems.
Hair loss she says can cause great distress. It can be genetically inherited or caused by illness, hair dye, disease or even a high temperature or stress. Pregnancy, medication or skin ailments are also common causes of early shedding.
Deborah Whelan performs a scalp examinationDeborah says that hair is indeed a barometer of health and can be a reflection of an individuals' lifestyle. The solution could be simple. A change of diet, improved hair care or maybe some specialist treatment. Either way, Deborah is qualified to diagnose, treat and advise.
The initial consultation could last up to one hour where Deborah will assess the person's health and lifestyle and discover if someone is on medication. Sometimes Deborah might refer a client to a medical doctor. She assures that she treats male baldness with sensitivity and sympathy.
“We use a lot of topical solutions and we use Ultra Violet Therapy. We have a lot of success with the treatments we use and most of them can be used at home. People suffer on and don't realise that there are treatments for hair and scalp ailments.
Often it is just a build up of debris or dead skin cells that can cause hair loss. We diagnose alopecia; it's commonly post partum alopecia. We get an equal number of men and women at the clinic.” Deborah says that people shouldn't be embarrassed about scalp and hair problems and that early diagnosis and treatment is usually best. “A Trichologist ca often diagnose scalp conditions and hair loss simply by the colour and type of scale on the scalp or the presence of abnormal hair shafts. However, some hair shaft abnormalities and hair loss conditions require detailed microscopic examination.” In addition to treating the hair and scalp Galway Skin and Trichology Clinic also provide a full range of relaxation and beauty therapy including reflexology. All facials are tailor made to suit the individual, with a range for the over 45s. Organic facials are also on offer.
Galway Skin and Trichology is located on Forster Court, Galway City and can be contacted on 091 565148. Evening and weekend appointments are available.